Its my first time and learned archery.My friends experienced in archery.They said it's not safe for us.Because my friend said bowstring may hit our arm.I don't dare to play archery after my friend hv told us his storied.One of the guys at the range volunteered to teach me about archery. He told me through the different types of bows, shooting techniques, etiquette, and most importantly, safety.After the initial walk-though, I decided to focus on traditional archery. My friend ask me to go and try archery. I told my friend, i don't want try and don't dareeee. I scared the bow's bowstring will hit my arm. :D I said let my friends try and play first.For me last.. After a few hours, my friends force me to go and try archery after they fell tried. I start to play archery and try to avoid the bowstring hitting "kena my arm.I didn't hit my paper target much, but it didn't matter much to me as I was happy to just hit the blue and white target blocks.I was exciting and learn archery more.It's very good archery.That was a sweet bow and shot very nicely!In 20 years,I never touch archery before.I recently had an interesting about with archery. :D
Had an archery practice last evening and learned lots about the techniques. The real techniques. A volunteer reminded me that the most important factor in maintaining the correct target is to sharp focus always.